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I have been a Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher since 2007 and been teaching individual and group yoga classes since then.


Right now, I'm teaching individual and group classes on Zoom, in both Spanish and English. If you are new to Iyengar Yoga, don't worry, I will guide you through building up your your practise. If you are an experienced practitioner, get in touch and I will help you improve your practise. 


Pathologies & Strength

Developed by B. K. S. Iyengar, is a type of yoga that has an emphasis on detail, precision and alignment in the performance of yoga postures (asanas). The style often makes use of props, such as belts, blocks, and blankets, as aids in performing the asanas. The props enable beginning students, the elderly, or those with physical limitations to perform the asanas correctly, minimising the risk of injury or strain.


For more specific information please contact me and I would be very happy to respond to your queries.


Please notice that you can add your details below with preferred date and time. Your appointment will be confirmed via email as soon as we can.  

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