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Updated: Aug 6, 2020

Even if you only attended one random yoga class in your life, you definitely tried Adho Mukha Svanasana, better known as Downward Facing Dog. It might seem basic at first but it’s actually quite complex as it stretches your entire body and requires strength.

But yoga is not only about the physical exercise, it can also help align your body, mind and spirit when practiced with awareness. I wanted to highlight this asana today because it’s a powerful resource in difficult times. It helps calm the brain and relieve stress.

Practice yoga at home (you can use the free yoga classes on my website 😉) and be especially present when doing Downward Facing Dog. As you inhale, feel the breath move into the body. Let the head, neck and belly hang relaxed. Hold the pose at least for 40 seconds and, with each exhalation, lift the sitting bones and let the heels move down. You can gradually increase the holding time as your arms and legs strengthen.

If you ever feel trapped, remember ancient practices such as yoga are packed with precious tools and learnings available to help us overcome difficulties and get in touch with the powerful force that’s within us.

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